Walking this morning at the ancient site of the Giant’s ring near Belfast,helped me to integrate a mix of feelings i’ve had over the past few days.
As i walked the outer circle, i was with life and all its gifts and joys, but also with the places of loss and disappointment that have gathered from this past year. As i walked this circle, it felt somewhow like a great wheel turning, where i could be at any point on it, high or low, and in this movement, i found acceptance of where i was on the wheel.
Walking then to the centre, to the solid stone mound that embodied a still point and also a gateway to something greater, i could witness all the turnings of life; my own, and also the turnings of northern irish life around me, and find a peace with whatever is. Love for it, even. The conflicting feelings in me, and the conflict in this country around me, could all be held from that place, of still point, of witnesing, and of love. I was able to re- join my family, from that place of greater wholeness.
Extending this out to anyone else who may be feeling divided at this time of year, especially when there is so much emphasis on the light and enormous expectation of ” the perfect family christmas”. I am not a Christian, but I love the symbol of Christ, the incarnation of absolute love, arriving into the lives of those who were outcast, lowly and rejected. My wish today is that any of those rejected or challenging places inside of and around us, can be surrounded and infused by love, to be integrated and transformed.
With love to you all, Aisling
” One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious”. C.G.Jung.