This is a post to share my experience of how, after a year of chronic pain, I found a way through, using natural remedies. I’d love to share this info for anyone who may also be struggling with UTI’s, and also I’d love to hear your experience too.
About 4 years ago, I started to suffer from UTI’s, which are a chronic infection of the uretha that can travel up to the kidneys and become serious if left untreated. I had never really had them before in my life, and then suddenly I began to contract them frequently, every time I had sex. Anyone who has experienced them knows how excruciating they are, and how no-one really understands unless you have suffered one.
It felt like a very Catholic disease, and at one point I honestly felt that I was being punished for “the sins of the flesh”. Researching more about it, I learned that once women turn 40, hormonal changes set in, which lower our oestrogen levels, lowering the levels of good bacteria and making our inner ecosystem more vulnerable to e-coli which causes UTI’s.
Love-making means that these bugs can travel around, reach our urethra, and cause infection.The problem ended only when I split up from my partner, but then began again when I started a new relationship last year. In 2019 I contracted a total of 16 infections, meaning excruciating pain every month. Once was so severe that I had to drive myself to A and E, delirious from a high fever, and in the worst pain I’d ever felt in my life.
The medical profession could only recommend antibiotics or even more extreme, surgery. A few times I took these, needing any way out of pain. But, after much trial and error with natural remedies, I finally found three things that began to work.
1: High grade baking soda has become my miracle cure. It creates a change in the body’s biochemistry and Ph level, making us more alkaline than acidic- meaning that bacteria such as e-coli cant survive.
2:Taking a probiotic every day, especially one designed for women’s urinary tract, also began to re-populate my body with the good bacteria that had probably been degraded with estrogen loss.<br
3: Treating my adrenal glands, through kinesiology, accupressure and accupuncture, and supporting my life force to restore so that my body had enough ” chi” to fight off infections.
I also did some emotional clearing from my previous relationship which felt connected also.
These natural remedies have so far worked and I’ve been uti free for months now.I can’t tell you what it’s like to wake up after being with my lover, and know that I feel well and don’t have to face being in pain for days and days. It’s a huge gift and such a relief, also in knowing that I don’t have to degrade my body’s ecosystem further through long term antibiotics when there is a natural remedy available.
We are all unique and what works for one person may be different for another. There may be different underlying causes too, compared to my experience. But what this reminds me of, is that as wonderful as our heath- care is on some levels, it remains a mechanistic model. There is a massive gap in knowledge of how to treat our bodies as systems, holistically, addressing the inner imbalances and supporting them, rather than attacking a symptom. For anyone who goes down the antibiotic route, I totally understand the need and I’ve done so myself and I know how distressing they can be. As I said, remedies may also work differently for each person. But an understanding of the root cause of UTI’s for women may give more choice.
I hope this helps, and I’d love to hear your thoughts!