 is a journey of growth, healing and wholeness- a deep dive into the wisdom and mystery of our inner nature.
Through transformative programs you will be offered a rich range of practices to explore what it means to be fully alive, as a part of the greater web life.
Courses weave depth psychology, somatic practices, the expressive arts, contemplation and indigenous wisdom.
” Reach as deeply as you can and offer your unique and authentic gifts as bravely and beautifully as you’re able.”
Bill Plotkin
is about evolving within, so as to create cultural change.
Just as every plant, tree and river is perfectly placed as part of an ecosystem, so too we are born with a unique soul signature. Connecting to our inner nature teaches us the essential part we each play in life’s unfolding.
Within a soul centred community,  we support one another to grow- to unlock our gifts, unfold our purpose, and truly make a difference in our world.
is a therapist and teacher who holds a wealth of trainings and life experience ( see bio below). She is currently doing a PhD in Psychology and Transformative Leadership, and is passionate about co-creating cultural change.
Brought up in Northern Ireland, Aisling has moved through deep suffering and trauma, having re-connected to the wisdom of the body- soul. Her life experience has taught her great compassion, and a deep desire for change in our world which she embodies in supporting others in their healing and empowerment.
In her work, she brings a rich intuitive presence that supports people to heal, grow and find their own unique purpose.
Aisling lives in Donegal in the North West of Ireland her partner Sean, and their extended family of Sean’s kids, two dogs, a cat, and wild nature.
my offerings