Breast cancer: a rescue remedy.

Hello friends,

   Having been on a pilgrimage with breast cancer from the summer of last year, I felt moved to share some essential supports with you, that I came across along the way. In my own treatment, I worked with a combination of both allopathic ( mainstream medicine) and naturopathic ( natural medicine). This truly is a unique process for each person and I recommend that you get informed, so that you can make the best decisions for yourself, moving forwards.

My most recent blood tests showed no active cancer cells, which is most welcome news. And, it’s also an ongoing process,  as I adapt my life to this new reality. Cancer is a disease that denies you certainty and absolutes. Yet, my own experience has taught me, that like any initiation, it can transform your life in vital ways- leading to a shedding of what no longer serves you, and a deeper relationship with Life and what supports us, on all levels, in times of crisis.

The beginnings.

   When you first receive a cancer diagnosis, your world is turned upside down. Suddenly, you are thrown into the underworld, like Will and the upside-down world in Stranger Things, or Persephone in ancient myth. It can feel really scary, disorientating, and disempowering, with new terms and treatments to try to understand in the midst of great emotional overwhelm.

   Most likely, you’ll have met your oncologist, or cancer consultant, who has broken the news to you as best they are able. But still,  you are reeling, with words like “stages”, “surgery”, “chemotherapy” and “radiotherapy” dropping like  bombs- words you’d hoped would only exist in distant realities, instead of bursting into your own. 

   When I received word of having breast cancer back in June 2024, I really wish that I had a map   that shed light on both mainstream and alternative approaches. During the last 6 months, with the help of several practitioners- oncologists, nutritional therapists, an energy worker, and a naturopath- as I look back, that map is appearing  to me now. Weaving together the wisdom of all these voices,  I offer this map to you now, so that it may help you to navigate what can be a really troubling time. 

 Gathering the supports.  

   The focus of mainstream medicine is to get rid of a tumour as quickly as possible. This is one approach ( and can be life-saving) but there are other important pathways too, which take a more holistic view of disease. Both pathways, many practitioners believe, can be woven together. (The resources section at the end of this blog give you links to books, should you wish to learn more).

  If it all feels too overwhelming right now, you may wish to keep it simple and go with what the consultant says. For some people, to take on more information might be an added stress so absolutely go with what you need, at any stage. You may also be in a crisis situation where you need quick medical action, and immediate surgery. If so, sending my love to you, at this time.

   But if or when you have the capacity, you may wish to slow it all down, steady yourself and widen your field of information, as you prepare to take your next steps. This can include nutritional, somatic, and spiritual supports that may become important and healing allies along the way. ( Please note, I advise you consult with a nutritional therapist or other expert before beginning these food and supplement protocols. These are intended as general guidelines and are not medical advice).

Instead of looking at cancer as an enemy to wage war on, alternative approaches look at cancer as a symptom of deeper imbalances within your system and aim at strengthening your system from withinOne example, is your diet, which plays a central role in healing from cancer treatment, but this is just not a part of mainstream medical training, as yet, so you will not hear this mentioned. There are however wonderful books, scientific articles, and nutritionists, who can guide you on using food as your main medicine. 


Empowering yourself: creative actions

The power of nature: Begin to use food as medicine and stop consuming what feeds cancer.

Stop taking:

  • All forms of sugar- including honey.
  • Carbs which are the next step away from sugar.
  • Caffeine, wheat, alcohol and dairy too.

Instead, take organic, nutrient dense foods:

  • As many greens ( kale, spinach, bok choi, cabbage, cauliflower) as you can.
  • Daily, garlic and ginger.
  • Vitamin D3. 
  • Organic mushrooms, daily.
  • Fats, eg extra virgin olive oil, coconut yoghurt, avocado
  • berries eg blueberries, raspberries, blackberries.


  • At least 4 cups of green tea per day- I use organic matcha power, a half teaspoon in hot water with a little stevia.
  • Lots of filtered, pure water.


If it’s available to you, try to get 30-40 minutes exercise per day; walking, swimming, Yoga…Deeper breathing alone oxygenates your body; cancer cannot thrive in oxygenated environments. 


Keep returning to your essential, pristine presence within. 

Supplement with: 

* curcumin (turmeric), reishi mushrooms, and berberine to start.

Practice deep rest, and restorative somatic practices.

Minimise stressful situations, or relationships, as much as possible.

Gather your team: 

Gather your team, and gather different points of view:

  • Your oncologist (cancer consultant)
  • An integrative cancer/ functional medicine practitioner.
  • A nutritionist (experienced in holistic cancer tests and treatments)
  • A therapist, or spiritual guide
  • An archetype, or deity (if you believe in this)
  • Close friends, who will support you and not impose their views heavily on you.

( If money is an issue, the absolute essential is an excellent nutritionist, plus the top two books in the list below).

A Poem
Here is an offering of a poem that I wrote, 
May it bring you comfort. 
“Breathe, dear one.
Slow this all the way down.
Notice what in this moment, holds you-
The touch of a hand.
The feel of the ground under your feet.
The fluid ebb and flow of breath,
The tidal rhythm of heart beat.
In this moment you are ok.
Know, that there is so much wisdom,
and knowledge, to guide you.
Many have walked this pathway before you,
Many have charted ways through.
I know this can bring up fears, of life, and death.
You wonder, how will I survive? What if I can’t work?
How will I pay the bills?
Take a moment, and offer up all of your worries
To the Great Mystery. Call for support, ask that you
Be protected and guided. Pray.
Imagine that you are surrounded by the embrace of loved ones,
sending waves of support to usher you through
this turbulent, terrifying time.
Trust. And even when you can’t trust, don’t fixate on not trusting.
Let the breath remind you of the changing of each moment.
This too will pass, dear one. You will be liberated from your
Fear, your uncertainty, your shock. You will become like a
Glass bottle cast into the sea, tossed by tidal waves,
to be swept onto the shore, with a story to tell.
Know that no matter what comes, loving hands are here to
Hold you, to guide you home, to remind you of your true essence.
That beneath any disease, any distress, any distortion,
Lies an untouchable, pristine presence.
Breathe, dear one. Breathe.
Sending all my love,
and holding for your healing, 

Recommended books:

Chace, Daniel. Turning Off Breast Cancer: A Personalized Approach to Nutrition and Detoxification in Prevention and Healing

Simmons, Jen. The Smart Woman’s Guide to Breast Cancer

Stengler, Mark. Outside the Box Cancer Therapies.

Mc Clelland, Jane. How to Starve Cancer.

Desaulniers, Veronique: Heal Breast Cancer Naturally.

Servan Schrieber, David. Anti-Cancer- a New Way of Life.

 Werner-Grey, Linda. Cancer Free Food.

Wark, Chris. Chris Beat Cancer.

Turner, Kelly A. Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer At All Odds.

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